Friday, August 17, 2012

Secrets of Ageing Well!

Dear Friends,

This topic - Secrets of Ageing Well!, keeps cropping up quite a bit recently at least from what I have been reading. It even appeared in the magazine Aesthetics and Beauty which my friend passed me. So, I thought I will write about this instead of something specific to exercise. A little philosophical but I am sure you will agree with me.

Here are some tips that will help with ageing

1. Live a Happy Life- Enjoy Life's Gifts-your family, your children, your friends, etc
2. Smile & Laugh-every day. Have fun!
3. Do the things you love-travel, read books, help the less fortunate, etc.
4. Look forward not back. Forget the past and live in the present.
5. Take Care of your Health-Exercise and Eat Healthy Food.
6.Treat Yourself once in a while with your favorite food. But nor everyday or every week. Once or twice a month is enough in my humble opinion.
7. Instead of being angry, learn to be calm. Meditate.
8. If you do not like your job quit and do something you like provided it pays for your lifestyle and bills.What are you passionate about? Maybe, do that for a career!
9. Read continuously to keep your mind alert. There so much you have yet to learn. Learn how to cook, bake, play the guitar, paint, swim, golf, dance, sing, teach, etc.
10. Be Grateful for the gifts you constantly receive and never be jealous of success of others.

"Secrets of Aging Well" is a process. It is important to start very early in life but it is never too late to start. Please feel free to send in your opinions and thoughts.

Don't Worry, Be Happy! Love All, Serve All!
