Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Healthy Lifestyle-Superfood!

Dear Friends,
If you are finding it difficult to lose weight try maintaining a "Food log" that enables to help you track how much and how well you are eating. It should have complete details such date, time, place, type of food, amount, drinks, etc. Monitor what you eat to see if that is the area you need to focus on if exercising is not helping. If you like fast food or you like to snack then you need to cut back on that and start eating healthy food and continue to exercise. Quality is more important than quantity. Hence, Superfood can be a good source of nutrition while reducing too much of carbohydrate intake as well as saturated fats. 

This YouTube video on Superfoods also highlights other benefits that you may enjoy by consuming such foods.

If you like to purchase some Superfood you may to go to the following online store to purchase them (for now Singapore only) :-   http://www.lebonocollection.com/category/153-superfoods#oid=1031_14

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!


p.s.Check with your doctors if you have any medical conditions before consuming foodstuff that may not be suitable for you.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Haze vs Exercising!

Dear Friends,

If you have been running or cycling in the haze, here is a word of caution. If you have any respiratory ailments please stay indoors or train indoors like in a gym. It is not worth risking your health just to maintain your exercise regime. Even if you have perfect health you are better of taking precaution. There is always a possibility that you may develop a health issue if you push the boundaries too far.

I have seen too many people who have caught the exercise bug training when the haze level is high. I was planing to cycle the last two Sundays but as the PSI level was at 70 and above I decided I will not risk getting respiratory ailments so I went to the gym. It did not give the same thrill as cycling outdoors but I was happy with my workout.

I intend to run or cycle when the PSI is about 50 to 60 as I have some respiratory issues from young. I love running and cycling and I want to do it as long as I can. So, I need to take care of my health first and foremost. You need to listen to your body at all time. But you should not give in to laziness!!!

Be safe, not sorry!

Have a Good Sporting Weekend!


Thursday, May 15, 2014

No Time to Exercise? No worries!

Dear Friends,

You often hear this....No Time to Exercise...Busy......Can't find the time. etc. Well, no worries. Here is a solution for the busy people of the world. You just need ten minutes a day to keep in shape. You may ask, what can you do in ten minutes? Well, you can do enough to tone your body.

Start with one set first for at least 3x a week. You can add additional set and reduce the rest time 15 secs or 10 secs depending on how well your body is able to adapt to the routine. This routine is a short burst program and can be intense for some. So, it would be good to check with the doctor before you start if you have lived a sedentary or unhealthy lifestyle.

1) Start with Jumping Jacks for a count of  25 reps. Rest for 15 secs.
2) Push-ups - 10 reps Rest for 15 secs.
3) Stomach Crunches- 30 reps Rest for 15 secs.
4) Body weight Squats - 10 reps Rest for 15 secs.
5) Triceps Dips (using a chair)-10 reps Rest for 15 secs.
6) Glute Bridge- 10 reps. Rest for 15 secs.
7) Planks- count of 30 seconds. Rest for 15 secs.
8) Lunges- start with 10 reps (as it can be the most challenging exercise but its great)

You can do these exercises first thing in the morning before you get busy and tired. You can always get up 15 minutes earlier than usual to do this.

But you should incorporate cardio workout 3x to 5x a week such as Jogging or Cycling or other sports to complement your routine if your goal is to lose weight and get fit. You should workout at least a total of 150 minutes a week to see real results.

Good Luck!

Best Regards,

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Health Promotion Board 1,000,000 KG Challenge

Hi Friends,

If you ever wanted to lose weight or manage your weight but had a hard time, here is a possible solution to your problem. Health Promotion Board (HPB) has come with this contest that may motivate you to take up the challenge of losing weight-"Health Promotion Board 1,000,000 KG Challenge". This is brilliant idea by HPB, Get your friends and family members to join so that you can motivate each other. You also get to win prizes when you take up in this program actively and lose weight at the same time.

I have signed up and I have also encouraged my family members to sign up.

For more information visit this website : https://millionkg.sg

Good Luck! Stay Disciplined & Focused on your Goals & Targets and you will achieve them.
