Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Have you Achieved Your New Resolutions for 2012?

Hi Friends,
We are in the last quarter of the year. How time flies. Have you achieved your NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS for 2012? Have you forgotten? No time to look at it? Stressed?

I am here to remind you revisit your New Year resolutions especially about exercising, managing your weight, maintaining a healthy mind and body. The bulging biceps, the six-pack abs, a fitter and healthier body  and mind are all important part of aging well which I highlighted in my previous blog entry. Can you imagine having a six-pack abs and bulging biceps? If you stay on course with your exercise regiment and eat healthily you will.

We all need "work-life"balance. Please remember that. The happiest people are not the people who chase after money. The happiest people are those who live meaningful life and money is just a means to an end. Exercising keeps me happy, it helps me to de-stress and stay alert and Energized!

Good Luck with achieving your NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS for 2012. You have less than 3 months to do so. Tell me about if you do achieve your goals!
