Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mix It Up to Lose Weight!

Dear Friends,

It’s the Festive Season and it’s time to feast and celebrate and be grateful for the things we enjoy. It is also a time when you put on weight from the eating and drinking. All the hard work you have put in to maintain or lose weight will go out of the window.

So, you need to ramp up your exercise to counter the increase intake of unwanted calories. And if you are still not having much success then you should also exercise to at least maintain the weight or your weight will balloon. 

The solution may be to mix your work out by incorporating different things. For example, if you only jog, then include cycling and swimming as part of your workout routine. Include Gym workout where possible as building muscle can help in increasing metabolic rate which then will help you lose weight. 

Last week, I played soccer with my neighbor for about two hours and he claimed that he lost about 2 kg. Of course he did a lot of running plus he scored a few goals. It could be mainly water lost but he would have would have also burned more than 500 calories from the workout playing soccer.

Alternatively, you can combine High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on days that you do not Run, Cycle or Swim. That way you can mix things up and your body does not get used to a routine which may result in diminishing returns.

Try different things and mix things up to get better result. Each one of us responds differently to different kinds of workout. Good Luck.

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! God Bless!

Love All, Serve All!

Best Regards,