Sunday, December 11, 2011

Standard Chartered Marathon -Lessons

Hi Fellow Sports Enthusiasts,

Did you run the Standard Chartered Marathon 2011 in Singapore. If you did fantastic. My timing  was slower than last year's time. But considering I was injured for two months with "plantar fascia ", a type of foot injury to the bottom of your feet, I did well.

The problem was that I missed two 10km runs & a 21 KM run which I signed up due to unexpected trips overseas and also due to injury I was not able to train properly. But I am happy with my timing considering my training was disrupted.

So, what should you do now? I guess wind down and have bit of fun. But do not stop your training and go easy on the good food. Everything in moderation is fine.

Some lessons I learnt from Standard Chartered Marathon 2011:
1) Build up your training gradually towards the date of the actual race.
2) Listen to your body if you want to avoid injuries. Give sufficient time to recover from your trainings and injuries. More training does not mean it is better. You need to plan your training.
3) If you want to use new pair of shoes, buy them at least 3 months before and train in them to break in the shoe. This will prevent you from getting blisters and injuries.
4) Don't just run. Swim, Cycle, workout in the gym to add variety to your training so that you don't get bored with your training,
5) Push yourself but within your limits. You do not want to end up dead. If you have not gone for a medical check up do so before you even start training. It may make a difference between life and death.

Till the next Standard Chartered Marathon, Enjoy your Christmas and New Year!


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Standard Chartered Marathon 2011

Dear Fellow Runners,

Just finished our final run this morning before the Singapore Standard Chartered Marathon 2011 on 4th December. The whole of East Coast was filled with runners who were training for their run next week. I met a runner who had done at least about 5 marathons and his advise was to take it easy and listen to your body doing the run.You need to know the pace at which you need to complete the run. If you push to hard at the start you may hit the wall after which you may not be able to run at all. Pace yourself and you will be able to push yourself the last 3rd or last quarter of the run depending on how much fuel (meaning your stamina) is left in your tank.

The sub-plot of the Standard Chartered Marathon are a number of runners raising money  for their favorite charity. Support the runners that assist the charities that operating without government support as long as they are legitimate such as the Sanctuary House. A friend, Rod Monteiro and his running guru Dr. Tan Swee Keng are raising funds for Sanctuary House. Support him.

I am going take a break until the run next Saturday so that we are fresh for Standard Chartered Marathon. Wish you all a good run. Remember....HAVE FUN. Enjoy the journey as much as reaching the destination.

Good Luck!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Use Compression Wear for Faster Recovery!

Dear Friends,

If you extremely tired after exercising-jogging, training for marathon, golfing, soccer, rugby, etc, try using compression wear. Many professional Athletes swear by it. If you watch English Premier League the likes of Wayne Rooney and Steven Gerard use compression wear. There are numerous brands out there for you to choose.

I am proud to say that I was one the first in my group of friends who are golfers to use a compression wear. The reason being, I was a crazy golfer who spent a lot of time, money and effort on training, equipment, golf magazines, lessons, etc. But my progress was hampered by injuries- 2 slip disc (lower and upper back), knee problem, dislocated shoulder, pulled hamstring, tennis elbow ( had to get steroid jab -3x on both elbows- 2x left elbow and 1x right and this is not recommended at all as it has consequences later on). Now, I am able to play golf and even run the half-marathon. Thanks partly to the compression wear I started using whenever I play Golf or Jog. Now, a number of friends have started using compression wear, even the "Nay-Sayers" who mocked me.

I decided that this is something that is beneficial for me and others like me who enjoy sports. I am not saying these things because I market ACE Compression wear. Please don't take my word, ask your friends who use other brands. It holds everything in place and allows you to make proper weight transfer and complete your swing.

What prompted me to write this blog posting was....last Friday I played a round of 18 hole golf using ACE Compression wear and I did not feel the effects the next day. But I went to the golf range after work last Wednesday and I did not bring my compression wear.  I felt the effects of  the range practice for the next 3 days.

Choose a brand of compression wear you like and enjoy your sports. Just remember, you will not become SUPERMAN by wearing the compression wear so don't over do any sports. Always, listen to your body.

If you want to know more about ACE Compression drop me an email at

Have a Great Sporting Week!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Losing Weight - "Magic Formula"

Hi Friends,

There is a formula though which can be formula to help lose weight-that can be your magic formula. At least for most of us it should produce the desired result as long as we strictly follow it. Here is the "Magic Formula":

INPUT (Food you consume) should be less than OUTPUT (What you burn up)= IDEAL WEIGHT

i.e., What you consume should be less than what you use up, then your weight will go down.


1) Watch what you eat- consume healthy food not fast food.

2)  Eat breakfast like a King, your lunch like a Normal person, and Dinner like a Pauper.

3) Eat your dinner before before 8pm. This will ensure that you have at least And eat something light. e.g. whole meal sandwich. If you are hungry eat fruits or drink a glass of warm low fat milk.

4) Chew your food well so that it is easier to digest. If you gobble down your food quickly then you are likely eat more. If I am not mistaken, scientific studies have shown that it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to tell your brain that you are full.So, do not rush through your food. Chew well before you down your food.

5) Exercise 2x to 3x a week for at least half and hour. The higher the intensity the more you calories you will burn. When you increase your exercise rate your metabolic rate will increase and more calories will be burned.

6) Take your vitamins and minerals regularly. Drink a lot of water. At least 2 liters a day.

7) Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep everyday.

8) Keep your stress down. Stress can wreck havoc to your health and diet.

If you really want a to seriously lose weight then you should see dietitian who will customize a diet plan.You will achieve what you want if you stay the course.

Exercise to Energize! Good Luck!


Saturday, July 23, 2011


Hi Friends,

If you love to exercise like me then you can get creative with the way you get your exercise done. If you do not have the resources or time to join or go to the gym, then create your own "Home Gym". Here is how you do it:

1) Get some weights- heavy enough to workout your muscles. If money is an issue, ask your rich friends if they have any equipment that they would like to donate to you or sell it to you at a fraction of the cost. Get a pair of dumbbells and if possible barbells. You can slowly add on more weights later on. Getting started is important.

2) Get a medicine ball to add variety to your workout.

3) Get an exercise mat for sit-ups.

4) Skipping Rope- a forgotten tool. Remember Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier used this to build their stamina and speed.

5) Surf the internet and get ideas on the types of exercises you like.

You are ready to "rock & roll". Now you can start working out regularly.

6) After you work out in your home gym- go for a brisk walk, jog, or even swim in a nearby pool for at least half and hour. Its a good way to end your work. You need to an aerobic workout if you want to lose weight.

My home gym includes a stationary bike, dumbbells, barbell, medicine ball, exercise mats, skipping rope, bicycle, hand-grips (for forearms), ankle weights, etc. I have all these equipments because I can hardly find time to go to the gym.Occasionally, I will go to the park to do my chin-ups and do my Running in preparation for the half-marathon (21km).

Always, exercise with caution especially when children are around and listen to your body to avoid getting injured.

Have Fun with your Home Gym! :-)


Friday, June 24, 2011

Choose a Sport You Enjoy!

Hi Friends,

Have you decided to start exercising so that you can energize yourself? If YES! Fantastic. You are on the road to a healthier and better life because you will have more energy to do things and your health will improve. One of the best ways to get on the road to exercise is to choose a sport you like. Then you are likely to stick to it and you will be more committed. Of course some sports give you faster results and are more effective than others. So you need set realistic expectations.

Here some ideas on which Sports to engage in:
1) Jogging
2) Soccer
3) Cycling
4) Swimming
5) Gym
6) Golf
7) Basketball
8) Tennis
9) Squash
10) Badminton

 If you not the sporty type then walking, jogging or swimming will be ideal.

Depending on your current fitness level you may want to start slowly and increase the intensity gradually. Record down your current height, weight, arms and leg size, etc. Check again after 3 months to see what your progress is like.

If you feel unwell, immediately stop and see a Doctor. Listen to your body. Don't be a "Hero" or you end up being a "Zero".

Live your Life with Passion! Enjoy.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Energize Your Life!

Dear Friends,

If you want to feel ALIVE, then exercise! You will feel good at any age if you exercise regularly. You will able to live a healthy and enjoyable LIFE.Whenever I felt lousy, stressed, or lazy I would either go to the gym or go for run. I will feel much better after that and whatever was stifling me would be gone. My mind will be clearer and I would be able work better.

Whenever I gained weight, I could feel slow and lazy. This especially so when you grow older and your metabolic rate slows dramatically. Unless you have a healthy exercise regimen, you are likely to pile on the weight gradually and it will be difficult get rid of it. Hence, you should do something about it. The best way is to exercise more and eat healthily.

So set yourself some goals and you can get started with your exercise regimen, Just one little advise. We all have different health and fitness levels. Get a health check up with your family doctor. Once you know the state of your health, you can plan a fitness program. Have a book to record your weight, and progress you are making. Start gradually and increase the intensity. Always listen to your body when you exercise and you will be fine.

Live Life, Love Life!
