Monday, January 30, 2012


Dear Friends,

Now that all the festivities are over, its time to slowly ramp up your training whatever Sport you choose. I am glad to read that more Singaporeans are taking up "Running/Jogging" as part of their exercise regime. It is my opinion that Running is the best form of stress-reliever. Why you may ask? It allows you to sweat it out and get the adrenaline pumping, the blood flowing, burning a mountain of calories and it is something you can do on your own and hence, no one to bug you. After the run, your body feels invigorated because your blood cells are replenished with oxygen and the blood flow allows you to think and work better. Try it. You will love it.

But you need rest after putting your body through strenuous exercise. You must increase the intensity gradually. You cannot get up tomorrow and start running the Marathon. You will kill yourself. Your body needs to let you acclimatize to a new level of intensity. You should incorporate "Sprinting into your training so that you can run faster. You need stamina to run long distances so do about 2 to 3 run a week with sufficient rest in between. Track your progress. That way you know when to move to the next level of intensity. You can incorporate some Gym workout to strengthen you body for longer and higher intensity Running,

Proper technique is also important. Do not drag your feet when you Jog. You are adding unnecessary friction which not only affects you leg muscles and also slows you down. Heel strikers...those who land on their heels will have lower back pain. Mid-Foot landing is seen to be the best form running. If you not sure what a proper running style is, join a running club or surf the internet but only go to recommended sites e.g. or,7120,s6-238-267-268-8210-0,00.html . Proper technique will enable you to run longer injury free.

Have Fun Running!


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